Sherry, is it fair to say, do you think, that you actually have the kind of husband many women dream of?

Yes, after living as a single woman for many years, I have been married for the last eight to a wonderful man. My husband is kind and helpful, an involved father, and a very faithful and devoted husband.

High praise. But still you felt that your relationship could be better?

Yes. Honestly, there have been times in my marriage when I have felt very alone and distant from my husband. I have longed for more emotional closeness, as probably many women do.

That sounds very familiar. But you have a degree in marriage and family relations, don’t you?

I do, but when I first read Wife for Life, I instantly loved the book and felt the wisdom of the principles taught in the book.  As someone who has studied relationships for many years, I could tell that there was something different about this book.

How so?

Not only were the ideas and principles well thought out and beautifully explained, the whole tone and message of the book was uplifting. I felt inspired. I felt that someone understood my husband and me and sincerely wanted to help us build an even stronger marriage.

I do! We do! I am so glad that message came across in the book. But you weren’t satisfied with just the book?

I loved the book, as I say, but it was not until I began Wife for Life University that I really began learning. As I read the chapters, pondered the questions from the study guide, and discussed the ideas with other women, I began to really start applying some of the principles to my life.  As a result, I see changes happening in my marriage.

What kind of changes?

I feel happier as a person. I understand and appreciate my husband so much more. I am learning specific things that I can do to be a better wife. I feel excited about the process of developing a “grand” marriage.

I love hearing that. Thank you!

 Ramona, you have become a loving and wise mentor and example. You challenge us to become better in such a gentle, yet straightforward manner. I always looked forward to the group discussion every week with other women, where there is such a feeling of support and encouragement. I am so glad to have found Wife for Life University; it was truly a life-changing experience for me.


Sherry is such an example to me: she is open to learning new things, even with her good marriage, and even with her degree and professional work in counseling. What an inspiration!

And that’s what Wife for Life is all about: women inspiring one another, learning from and supporting one another through all the ups and downs and the ins and outs of our lives as women; especially our marriages. No matter who we are, no matter our background, our essential nature as women, including our desire to love and be loved, binds us together. So when Sherry talks about a longing to feel closer to her husband, we can all understand that!

You too can feel that kind of understanding and support. And experience a community of visionary (but down-to-earth) women unlike any other.

Wife for Life University helps women from every stage of life and marital experience gain the powerful skills, confidence, and long-range vision needed to affect their own happiness as well as the ultimate outcome of their marriage.

The school’s highly effective approach is built on three pillars that work together to create a truly life-changing experience: TRANSFORMATIVE LEARNING, PERSONALIZED MENTORING, and COMMUNITY SUPPORT.

Wife for Life University Full Experience is open for Fall Semester through September 9th. Is it right for you?


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Ramona Zabriskie
Ramona Zabriskie, a wife of 41 years, is the multi-award winning author of Wife for Life: The Power to Succeed in Marriage and the celebrated marriage mentor and global educator of the 5-star WifeSavers Podcast, the WifeSavers Education Membership, and the acclaimed one-of-a-kind virtual school for women, Wife for Life University. Turn your marriage around in a thrilling way with her new free ebook, 5 Lies We Tell Brides and 5 Truths That Save Wives.